
Awards 2012: Equipment - Early years and staff equipment: staff resources

Winner - Early Childhood Practice: Froebel today, edited by Tina Bruce, Sage Publications

There can be little doubt that the education of the very young provides an essential foundation for all that follows, and the nature of that education is critical.

This important book locates Froebelian practice in current practice through a wealth of examples from contemporary settings. Edited by Professor Tina Bruce, it brings together contributions from distinguished primary and early childhood practitioners, who show how they have used educational methods advocated by Froebel. Stressing the importance of outdoor play, they take the reader through the Froebelian principles of:

- Play

- Learning through first-hand experience

- Parent partnership and community in early childhood

- Practitioners supporting children's interests and learning

- Finger rhymes and action songs

- Movement

- Gardens and forests

- Wooden blockplay

- Use of clay, paint, junk modelling and construction kits.

The book locates the Froebel approach and its emphasis on the learning and application of knowledge and understanding that become possible through play. It contrasts the Froebel approach with methods such as Montessori, Steiner and very recent approaches to play such as post-modern 'playfulness'.

The end of every chapter includes further reading resources and reflective questions to encourage the reader, and photographs and illustrations are dotted throughout the book - making this not only an instructive read but also an engaging one.

Highly commended

Life At Two: attachments, key people and development, Siren Films

The film focuses on Ava, a typical two-year-old who loves learning and exploring. She is becoming increasingly independent and sometimes she becomes overwhelmed by her feelings as she struggles with what she can and can't do. The film gives a rounded picture of her life at home and at nursery, throughout the year. It clearly shows the importance of good relationships with her close adults and the effect that they have on her overall.


Creating a Learning Environment for Babies and Toddlers by Ann Clare, Sage Publications

Early Years World, Sherston Software

Movers and Creators: creative activities to develop physical skills in the early years, Smart Consultancy and Coaching

Treasure Baskets and Beyond: realising the potential of sensory-rich play, Sue Gascoyne, Play to Z, Open University Press


Open to early years resources and equipment that help practitioners to improve their practice and provision.