
Editor's view - the code of practice consultation

Will less be more for the new Code of Practice on the free entitlement to nursery education?

Phew! Another consultation has been launched by the Department for Education - this time on the future of the free entitlement.

Most in the early years sector will be relieved that the Code of Practice guidance is proposed to slim down from 100 pages to fewer than 20.

This unwieldy and complicated document seemed to serve only to confuse both early years providers and local authorities. Less ambiguity might mean that there is also less 'wriggle room' to avoid some of the constraints, but it would mean a fairer, more transparent system.

The consultation comes in advance of the expansion in the number of two-year-olds eligible for free nursery places to 140,000 by September 2013.

The existing smaller-scale programme for two-year-olds has been very popular with the sector, as it has helped to increase occupation and has been more realistically funded than the places for three- and four-year-olds.

Children's Minister Sarah Teather has acknowledged that there are challenges in increasing capacity to provide sufficient places for two-year-olds. And she admits that there is unlikely to be capital funding available for local authorities.

Creative approaches cited include encouraging three- and four-year-olds into school nursery classes to free up space for younger children. This has the potential danger of leaving nurseries in a vulnerable financial position if they lose the older children without knowing how long the two-year-olds will be funded.

The consultation is also asking how the free entitlement should be funded from 2013-2014. As ever, make sure you respond if you want your views heard.