
EYP Update: Case Study - Lisa Bassett, Chichester Montessori School - Insights gained

When Montessori teacher Lisa Bassett returned to working in early years after a ten-year gap, she was surprised at the changes that had occurred.

'I began my career in early years and then moved to primary education, teaching reception and year one. When I returned to early years I was amazed at how things had progressed,' says Lisa, who joined Chichester Montessori School 18 months ago.

'I became interested in EYPS because it was about furthering my professional development within early years education. I took the Short Pathway route. Ruth Bradley, the co-ordinator at Chichester University, suggested that would be the best route in terms of my previous experience. Having been out of early years for a while I also felt in need of more grounding.'

Ms Bassett found the Short Pathway went by very quickly. 'I have a three year-old son and work part-time, and I hadn't quite realised the level of undertaking that it would involve before I started, despite the university making it clear it would be challenging.

'The support it offered was excellent. We met on a regular basis for days of discussion, debate and reflection.

'Before the course started we had individual assessments to help us identify where our gaps were and what areas needed to be developed. Where necessary we took extra courses. I took a course on quality play, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I also did a course on observation using the Tavistock Model which was extremely interesting.

'Our remit was to improve practice in a leadership role. I decided to improve the transition process from our baby unit into our main unit.

'The baby unit is quite new and I spent time analysing what we did and gaining parents' views and the views of the staff. The transition has now been improved upon. It is far more tailored to the individual child and focuses on their individual needs.

'I helped to organise the change, making sure the staff knew about it and felt supported. I also implemented an effective communication training programme for the staff, which was really interesting and meant I spent time observing the baby unit.

'I thoroughly enjoyed doing EYPS. In the early years you are often so busy that you don't have the opportunity to reflect and debate. That was the highlight of the qualification - to have that time and to be able to think things through and to debate, reflect and discuss with others.

'Everybody has their own interpretation of what the focus of early years is about, and the discussions were positive and inspiring. We had a real feeling that we could make things happen and could make things change.

'We have network meetings on a regular basis. We got to know each other well and in our discussions were able to explore lots of avenues.'

Ms Bassett says EYPS has improved her practice. 'I am more confident in my leadership and I have gained lots of insight. It was refreshing and inspiring to be involved at the cutting edge and be part of the changes.

'People in early years work so hard, and with such dedication, it is time they got the recognition and the respect they deserve.

'In the future, taking a more strategic role is something I would very much like to explore, but I would like to maintain contact at the grassroots level. This is where all the rich learning experiences happen. It is such a wonderful age group to teach.'

CV: Lisa Bassett

After leaving school Lisa began working in the travel industry in her native South Africa but left and took an honours degree in psychology

1996: took the Montessori Teaching Diploma

1997: undertook a PGCE

September 2007 started the Short Pathway to EYPS via the University of Chichester, qualifying in February 2008


Helen Easby has been named Early Years Professional of the Year in the Nursery World Awards 2008, celebrated in London on 21 November. Helen was among the first group of EYPs who qualified in February 2007. She impressed the judges as 'a beacon of good practice' at Newcastle College Day Nursery.
