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Elizabeth Kemsleyhas many plates spinning as she successfully swaps her leadership skills to adapt to any situation – from an inspiring leader of 22 staff members to counsellor, practitioner and nurturing mother.
In her two years as manager at the nursery, she has boosted staff morale with her straightforward and approachable leadership skills. She is passionate about her role and ensures that her team are motivated to deliver a nurturing and caring environment for the children and their families.
Elizabeth is highly qualified – with a BA (Hons) in Early Childhood Studies Level 6 and Early Years Professional Status, Level 7 – and shares her knowledge and expertise with other settings in the group in order to obtain high standards for all. She is described as having an approach where she will tackle anything head-on in order to resolve issues as soon as possible.
A team member comments, ‘Liz is the most supportive manager that we have ever had, she is always ensuring the nursery is running smoothly. Since she became our manager, the nursery has changed for the better, staff are so much happier and she ensures staff knowledge is up to date by offering regular training. The nursery is so cosy, warm and welcoming.’
As part of her role, Elizabeth regularly deals with a high level of safeguarding cases with compassion and understanding. She is known for her emotional intelligence and for going ‘above and beyond’ for those in need, especially for vulnerable families and their needs.
Recently Elizabeth heard that a parent had become homeless so she set about getting her help, organising meetings at the nursery with relevant professionals. Within a few days the mother and her child were allocated a new home. Elizabeth also supported the family of a mother who died by suicide. She offered the family as much support as she could and flexibility of care to ensure the children had what they needed.
Elizabeth invites all parents into the setting to chat and actively engages parents with limited finances by trying to support the hard-to-reach families in the community in the nursery’s free services.
The nursery has grown from strength to strength and most new children join from ‘word of mouth’, both of which are attributed to Elizabeth’s strong leadership skills. Her staff team believe she deserves recognition for her dedication to vulnerable families, her high expectation of care and for her ability to make them all believe in themselves.
Elizabeth has a warmth and compassion for everyone she meets and although she sets the bar high, she makes people feel like everything and anything is achievable.
Hazel Moody, Advantage Day Nursery – Surrey
Hazel Moody celebrated 50 years of dedication to early years care and education in January. She is a visionary leader whose passion to share her expertise and knowledge shines through in all she does.
Hazel leads a team of more than 100 staff members in a quietly assertive manner. Her deep-rooted belief that children are at the core of all she does spreads beyond her own role. Hazel always says, ‘There is no such thing as problems, only challenges.’ Her hard-work ethic and strong belief in ‘family’ has a direct impact on the staff she leads, where she ensures ‘a happy staff makes a happy nursery’. This is demonstrated by her longstanding, ‘home grown’ team.
• Hannah Saunders, Snapdragons Nursery – Keynsham
Open to any nursery manager in a full daycare or sessional setting who displays exemplary leadership and management skills in running their setting and providing the best possible service for children, families and staff.