
Work matters: Management focus - Sizing up the competition

Hiring good staff and setting fees are keeping Derek Hayes busy as the scheduled time to open a new nursery setting approaches.

Well, Easter has been and gone and there are now just a few weeks to go until building work finishes at our site in Lewisham. Does time fly when you're having fun? I haven't had much fun lately, as I'm struggling to put together a staff team so we can actually open!

Despite competitive salaries and brand new resources, the quality of applicants has been disappointing. They don't want to work that far from home, don't turn up for their interviews or can't demonstrate the experience we'd like to see. Maybe our expectations are too high?

Clients and delegates on my training courses agree there's a real shortage of good quality, well-trained staff and it's a big threat to sustainability. My only option now is to hope our agency, Caleeda, can come up trumps. Thankfully, since accepting the likelihood of a percentage fee, CVs have been coming through thick and fast and I'm juggling diaries to find time for interviews.

I have also been conducting competitor research in the area - calling nearby settings to compare fees and learn how they handle enquiries. I wasn't overly impressed. Although a couple were helpful and friendly, the majority seemed uninterested in myself and my fictional daughter, Rhianna. With some, I struggled to hear whoever eventually answered the phone, as there was so much background noise, although sadly not the sound of happy children singing or enjoying a bear-hunt in the garden. Worst of all, I was told bluntly by one manager, 'How I am I supposed to know if we'll have vacancies in May?' My guess is they will.

Competitor research is something I get very passionate about. It amazes me how reluctant many nursery owners are to do it. It's simple: if you're setting or reviewing your fees, you should know what Puddleducks down the road is charging. You can't rely on them having an up-to-date website or listing on the Children's Information Service, so you need to be creative. There's nothing wrong with a little deception. Delegate the task to a deputy with initiative. Better still, enlist a friend who's a new mum and get her to visit competitors and report back. Fake beards are optional, but tell them not to return without a fee sheet from each one.

Derek Hayes is senior consultant/trainer at Childcare Consultancy. For information e-mail info@childcareconsult.co.uk.