
Work matters: On course

Careers & Training

Early Years Professionals National Event

This free conference by the Children's Workforce Development Councilwill give those who have achieved EYP Status a chance to celebrate theirachievements, share advice on best practice and offer feedback topolicymakers. It will include seminars, interactive workshops, an onlinediscussion forum, a specialist exhibition for EYPs and an eveningreception.

- Birmingham. Free. To register visitwww.greengagelive.com/event/eypsevent09 or call 0208 481 3360


Understanding the Multi-Sensory Concept

Find out everything you need to know to get the most out of amulti-sensory environment, how to set it up without breaking your budgetand how to use it. Gain a greater understanding of how to applymulti-sensory principles and learn new ideas you can take away and usethe next day.

- Ireland - Cookstown (14th), Dublin (15th), UK thereafter. Cost: 195 plus VAT. Visit www.concept-training.co.uk or call 01524 832828


Observation, Assessment and Planning Workshop

This workshop offers a practical guide to delivering top-qualityobservations that translate into best-practice planning. Share your OAPchallenges with your peers and focus on the practicalities of OAP foryour specific setting. This workshop runs alongside Nursery World's'EYFS One Year On' conference.

- Birmingham. Cost: from 199. Visit www.eyfsconference.com orcall 020 8267 4011


Implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage: One Year On - MovingForwards

A year on from implementation, what challenges are practitioners facingunder the EYFS? This one-day conference will examine how the EYFS hasbeen received, interpreted and implemented by early years professionals.Practical advice will be offered by Ofsted officials, outstanding-ratedand award-winning settings, and local authority early years teams.

- Birmingham. Cost: from 299. Visit www.eyfsconference.com orcall 020 8267 4011.