
12m to boost children's speech skills

A 12m action plan to improve children's speech, language and communication skills has been unveiled by the Government.

It sets out a range of measures, including the appointment early in theNew Year of a 'communication champion' to raise awareness of speech,language and communication issues, and a Communication Council tosupport the plan.

There will also be a National Year of Speech, Language and Communicationin 2011-2012.

The plan is the Government's response to the review into services forchildren and young people with speech, language and communication needsby MP John Bercow, which was published in July (News, 10 July).

The Government has accepted the Bercow report's 40 key recommendations,and the action plan sets out a timescale for each of these.

Many of the strategies are to be integrated within mainstream earlyyears, education and health services, to provide prevention, earlyidentification and intervention services to support children and theirparents.

In early years, services will be developed through the 40m EveryChild A Talker programme to raise practitioners' awareness of theimportance of speech and language (News, 17 July). The programme willhelp nurseries and childminders to access training and materials tosupport pre-school children's speaking and listening skills.

The Child Health Promotion programme will aim to ensure all children'sspeech and language skills are reviewed between the ages of two andtwo-and-a-half to spot any problems.

Other measures include pathfinder projects in up to 20 local areas todevelop good practice guidance.

Children's communication charity I CAN, which launched its Make ChatterMatter campaign in 2006, described the action plan as'groundbreaking'.

I CAN chief executive Virginia Beardshaw said, 'For too long,communication skills have been described as "soft skills". There isnothing "soft" about the fact that children's life chances depend ontheir ability to communicate.'

She added, 'Not only has the Government clearly prioritisedcommunication skills, they have also invested millions of pounds in it.This is a phenomenal achievement. It reflects the power of movementslike Make Chatter Matter to create a sea-change in children'spolicy.'

- For further information see

- Primary Care Trusts and local authorities invited to take part in SLCN
- Communication champion and council appointed;
- Sir Jim Rose's review of primary curriculum published.

Autumn 2009-spring 2010
- Lamb Inquiry into SEN provision reports;
- Ofsted review of SEN;

- Every Child A Talker rolled out to 100 local authorities.

- National year of speech, language and communication;
- Launch of new primary curriculum.