
18 month wait to become registered childminder

Prospective childminders in Northern Ireland are facing delays of up to 18 months in the applications process, a survey by the Northern Ireland Childminding Association reveals.

NICMA surveyed 210 members in November and found an average wait ofseven months for official registration - more than twice the maximumtime stipulated by the Department of Health, Social Services and PublicSafety. NICMA is calling for the application process to be streamlinedand centralised.

Director Bridget Nodder said, 'We're very concerned that delays of thislength are putting off many individuals from registering. These may beencouraging many childminders to operate illegally without registration,which means the welfare of some children is being put at risk.

'Moreover, the delays are also deterring individuals from enteringchildminding in the first place, at the very time when we have a seriousshortage.'

One applicant who waited ten months for registration after being toldshe would be working in six months said, 'The delay meant we spent fourmonths managing on just my husband's income.'
