
A month in the life of Jasmine Maya

Part 13:approaching one year The increased level of balance Jasmine has shown this month has been remarkable. She stands firmly for quite long periods, concentrating on what she is doing with her hands, at times bending at the knees to pick up or put down something, retaining her balance as she moves. She has taken her first steps, from her activity table to her mum, and showed great pleasure in the achievement. She was aged 11 months one week.
Part 13:approaching one year

The increased level of balance Jasmine has shown this month has been remarkable. She stands firmly for quite long periods, concentrating on what she is doing with her hands, at times bending at the knees to pick up or put down something, retaining her balance as she moves. She has taken her first steps, from her activity table to her mum, and showed great pleasure in the achievement. She was aged 11 months one week.

Each day since has seen her take odd steps, often without realising what she is doing. Encouraged to walk to a family member, she smiles and shows excitement, but the physical movements made in her excitement often prevent her from retaining the balance she needs to take the steps and she soon reverts to crawling. As Jasmine lives in a flat, she does not have regular access to stairs, but she can climb on to the bottom stair at granny's house.

Jasmine has begun repeatedly to ask a question, using her personal vocabulary. The question is 'in'air?', and it roughly translates as 'what's in there?' or 'who's in there?' or 'what's that?' and is accompanied by precise pointing and arm gestures. She applies this question to pictures, photographs and other objects of interest to her, such as a mirror or the fruit bowl. Jasmine has now begun to wave bye-bye to people when they leave.

At play Jasmine is always busy. She sorts toys from container to container, still enjoying the exploration of objects with her mouth. A large box has become a favourite toy, used as a tunnel to crawl through. Jasmine giggles with pleasure as she comes out the far end. The rocking horse it contained as a Christmas present raised little interest from her, as with most of her presents. Jasmine definitely preferred the gift tags, gathering them up and carrying them round with her.


1 As Jasmine begins to gain confidence and take more steps, what toys or activities will be suitable?

2 What new dietary options will be available to Jasmine as she reaches her first birthday?

3 What level of social behaviour would you expect to see in Jasmine at one year old?

Answers to part 12 questions: (18 April)

1 The term used to describe the positive responses given to an infant is 'positive reinforcement'.

2 There is no evidence that a baby-walker helps infants to walk earlier. They may, in fact, hinder walking, as they can delay the natural process of gross motor skills development.

By Sandy Green, an early years consultant and freelance trainer. She is also Jasmine's grandmother

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