
Answers and scores

1. A = 3 B = 2 C = 1 So that's every day accounted for, then, if you chose A. A better option would be B because it gives you both time to decide, together with the child, whether it's a good idea to drop one interest in order to take up another. By choosing C you recognise that your charge needs at least one day off for free play and rest.
1. A = 3 B = 2 C = 1

So that's every day accounted for, then, if you chose A. A better option would be B because it gives you both time to decide, together with the child, whether it's a good idea to drop one interest in order to take up another. By choosing C you recognise that your charge needs at least one day off for free play and rest.

2. A = 3 B = 0 C = 1

Answer A may stop the rows but it's unfair to the children to send them to bed early, and C doesn't help them, only you. Playing garden games is a good combination of stimulating and relaxing activity and it won't hurt you to join in.

3. A =1 B = 0 C = 2

A scores 1 because you will both be getting some fresh air and exercise, good antidotes to boredom. Although he shouldn't expect you to provide entertainment on tap, it would be helpful to suggest something you could do together. Often, complaining of boredom is just a cry for your attention, so B scores nil. If he's keen to play chess, fine, but otherwise choose something which requires less concentration, such as Snakes and Ladders or Snap.

4. A = 3 B = 2 C = 1

Four-year-olds do not need formal tuition. Small children do not develop at the same rate, something you seem to have forgotten if you chose A. Your charge may not be able to read yet but perhaps he is more sociable or better at kicking a football. Beware you aren't just seeking some reflected glory if you chose B. Of course you should be enjoying books together every day and providing him with lots of paper and pencils for drawing so that he acquires pre-literacy skills, but any formal teaching is unnecessary.

Congratulations if you chose C. You are obviously doing a great job.

5. A = 0 B =1 C = 3

Choose A and you are ducking the issue. It would be better simply to tell your employer that her child is far too tired in the evenings to take on extra homework. If you chose B you are willing to give them a try, but in the most relaxed way possible. If the child shows interest in the books then there is no harm in his working on them at his own pace. Beware if you chose C that the new routine doesn't just result in a grumpy and weary child. Your charge needs some time to unwind before he goes to bed or he is likely to have disturbed sleep patterns.

6. A = 3 B = 0 C = 1

Did you choose A? Just how excited would a five-year-old be about a framed certificate? Answer C might be the solution, but why can't she carry on enjoying ballet without being pressured to compete? Answer B means you are aware that the teacher is there to provide pleasure and stimulation in the class, not make her ballet school look good through the honours it achieves.

7. A = 2 B = 1 C = 0

It may look fine to you, but the baby could be at risk of dizzy spells if you chose A. If your answer is B, you've had fun, but whose mobile is it anyway? Choosing C indicates you have done your research and know that a newborn's focus is no more than 15 to 30cm.

8. A = 1 B = 3 C = 0

There's no harm in watching TV as long as the programmes are age-appropriate and it's only for half an hour or so - so no worries if you answered A. B suggests that the child is not good at amusing himself and always needs direction when it comes to free play, which is often the sign of an over-organised child. Rushing about in the garden is a great way to let off steam and get the required daily dose of exercise. Even when the weather's bad, wrap them up and send them off to create their own adventures.

9. A = 3 B = 1 C = 0

True, the flashcards won't actually do harm to the baby, but they are a pointless exercise at this stage. Better to use the time talking and singing to him, because verbal skills come first. The average baby is going to find flashcards very boring. If you answered B you already know all this and hopefully have convinced your boss. There are some very attractive friezes around which would make far more interesting nursery decor. Take note if you answered C.

10. A = 0 B = 3 C = 1

Is a child ever happy and contented all the time? If A is a really honest answer then you are looking after a truly remarkable child, or it could mean that you are not really in touch with his feelings. On the other hand, no child should always be irritable and/or lethargic. There could be a health problem which needs speedy investigation, but it's more likely that the child is suffering from activity overload and is feeling very pressured. If you answered B, start thinking immediately about how you can cut back. We all have our good and bad days, so there's nothing to worry about if your answer is C. Lots of cuddles and talking about what upsets him will help him cope with the down moments.

What your score indicates

20 or more: I bet you're used to achieving high scores and think that everyone else should strive for gold in the same way! However, it is your job to provide a balanced way of life for the children in your care, which means they need plenty of rest and relaxation to offset the times when they are busy and working. Remember to view time spent at school or nursery as working hours for the children.

Between 10 and 15: You are obviously aware that play forms an important part of children's lives, but possibly feel under pressure yourself (by your employers, perhaps?) to provide lots of activities. Try to take your lead from the children and don't be afraid to flop down with them for a rest occasionally -aim for a more flexible daily schedule.

Less than 10: You are refreshingly relaxed in your attitude towards providing stimulation and relaxation for the children in your care.

Hopefully, you have achieved a balance in their lives which will remain with them into adulthood.