
Best for training

I am writing in praise of Training Today (18/25 December) and to say how useful it is to me, the staff at Nanny Search and our many visitors. In addition to our placement service we have a resource library and drop-in centre for nannies and other early years practitioners. Now, when visitors come in to research training options, we give them Training Today as a starting point. Once they have pinpointed their course or options we can then provide the relevant brochures instead of having to wade through a huge number of leaflets and other promotional material.
I am writing in praise of Training Today (18/25 December) and to say how useful it is to me, the staff at Nanny Search and our many visitors.

In addition to our placement service we have a resource library and drop-in centre for nannies and other early years practitioners. Now, when visitors come in to research training options, we give them Training Today as a starting point. Once they have pinpointed their course or options we can then provide the relevant brochures instead of having to wade through a huge number of leaflets and other promotional material.

As a member of the national working group on nanny registration and accreditation of nanny agencies, I have seen that training in some form or other will be vital to the recognition and registration of nannies as professionals. I only wish we didn't have to wait another six months for the next edition of Training Today.

Amanda Cotton Nanny Search, London