
Body Shop vouchers

Freshen up for spring and treat your body to a little extra from the Body Shop. This month Professional Nanny has ten vouchers worth 10 each at the Body Shop to give away free to our readers. This gives you the freedom to choose an old favourite or try a new treat (such as the Feel Energised aromatherapy range, shown). Send your name and address on a post card or sealed envelope, marked 'Body Shop', to Professional Nanny at the address on page three by 28 March, and the first ten entries picked out of our soap dish will win.
Freshen up for spring and treat your body to a little extra from the Body Shop. This month Professional Nanny has ten vouchers worth 10 each at the Body Shop to give away free to our readers. This gives you the freedom to choose an old favourite or try a new treat (such as the Feel Energised aromatherapy range, shown). Send your name and address on a post card or sealed envelope, marked 'Body Shop', to Professional Nanny at the address on page three by 28 March, and the first ten entries picked out of our soap dish will win.