
Bright Stars Pre-school, Plymouth

* Bright Stars Pre-School in Plymouth had been on the site of the town's Prince Rock Primary School for about 15 years when by chance the supervisor Gina Reed heard in 2002 that the then headteacher had applied to have a local authority nursery on the site. Through determination, and backed by parent power, Ms Reed successfully fought the proposal which she feared would have forced Bright Stars to close.
* Bright Stars Pre-School in Plymouth had been on the site of the town's Prince Rock Primary School for about 15 years when by chance the supervisor Gina Reed heard in 2002 that the then headteacher had applied to have a local authority nursery on the site.

Through determination, and backed by parent power, Ms Reed successfully fought the proposal which she feared would have forced Bright Stars to close.

'The parents didn't want an LEA nursery. We provide what they want. We have been doing 9.15am to 11.45am five mornings a week. We are planning now to run a lunch club and extend from 9am to 1pm. That will give enough time for parents who are working part time.

'We have a really good relationship with the new headteacher. He has given the pre-school one of the gardens and we can now use the school's PE hall.

'I know many of the parents personally and socially. We are involved in the community so they come to me. They know they can talk to me in confidence.

They know I understand their family situations and they wouldn't get that from an LEA nursery.

'When a child starts here, I have a one-to-one with the parents, explain what we do and encourage them to come in. I also ask about their interests and skills so when we are going to do a particular topic, say gardening, I can ask a parent who is a keen gardener to come in and help us.'