

Name: Caroline Elston Age: 27
Name: Caroline Elston

Age: 27

Job title: Family support worker, Palliative Care Team

Employer: Croydon Primary Care Trust

Location: Croydon, London


With funding from the Big Lottery I provide child-based respite care for children up to the age of 19 years old who have a life-limiting or life-threatening condition. Generally I spend between two and four hours a week with each family with an average of two to three sessions a day. For example, my first session may be dropping a sibling at school before going back to the house for some sensory play with an ill child. After this I usually head back to the office to catch up on paperwork, go through our caseload and have lunch before visiting another family, providing fun for the ill child while the parents have time for themselves. I then collect the sibling from school and when we return home we carry on playing and do craft activities until it is time for me to go home.

Sessions generally take place in the family home, although I am able to accompany the child and family to hospitals or relatives' homes. For every session I go with a number of ideas, a big mat, a fantastic craft box, bubbles (which never let me down) and a wide variety of toys and equipment.

I am limited by size and weight as everything has to fit into the boot of my car and often needs to go up a flight of stairs as well.

Whenever possible we do try to go out, whether to the local park or just a walk around the block to get some fresh air. Working so closely with families also means that I provide emotional support for parents and signpost them to other organisations.


Working with children who have life- limiting and life-threatening conditions inevitably means that some of them will die. Although this is very sad, it is good to know that I have in some way had a positive effect on the child's life and on the family, and have been able to help them through this difficult time.

Best achievements

I am proud of the service I provide and being involved at the start of this initiative has been both exciting and daunting. It has also been very rewarding. Currently the service is reaching about 28 of the neediest families.

During this year we have experienced five deaths and have managed to provide support through this difficult period and beyond. I have helped to empower parents and children, building self-esteem and confidence, while being accepted into the family and most of all providing some fun, enjoyment and good memories for the children and parents.


The Diploma in Childcare and Education (DCE) is essential for my job and experience of working with children with special needs is useful. I receive bereavement and clinical training and also spend time with the Children's Hospital at Home team which enables me to gain a more clinical view of what the children go through.

As a team we have regular child protection supervision and individual supervision - all of which is essential due to the type of work we do.

Parents and children are also a great source of knowledge and are more than happy to explain about a condition, medication or procedure. Children will also explain what has happened to them or their sibling. I have even been told off by a five-year-old for taking pretend blood from a teddy bear wrongly; I let the child take over and show how it should be done!

Career path

After being a rep in a ski resort for two winters, where my duties included childminding, I went back to college and did childcare and gained the DCE.

During my studying I worked in an after school club and provided extra support for a child with autism. I then spent time temping in creches, nurseries and play schemes where I gained a great deal of experience before travelling to South America. There I spent three months setting up a nursery school in a rural community in Paraguay before travelling around the rest of the continent. On my return I continued temping in a variety of settings before gaining this job.


I love my skiing but have to resort to a once-yearly holiday now that I am no longer doing seasons. So for the rest of the time I keep busy by climbing, socialising with my mates and decorating my new flat.

Further information

For information about the Diploma in Child Care and Education:


For similar job opportunities with Primary Care Trusts:


* ACT ( is the only UK organisation working to improve care and services for all children in the UK with life-threatening or terminal conditions and their families.

* If you would like any further information about Caroline's job, please contact her on