
Children's views are put on show

The children's commissioner for England is hosting interactive exhibitions around the country to mark the end of his year-long project seeking to discover what is important to children.

Sir Al Aynsley-Green met children from Cruddas Park Early Years Centrein Newcastle on 4 March. At an event at the Baltic Centre forContemporary Art, Sir Al (pictured) joined children who had helpedinform his project, which asks what makes them happy, what support theyneed to make healthy choices, and how adults can help them during theirtransition to primary school.

The children's views will be included in a report published by thechildren's commissioner's office in May.

Before the exhibition at the Baltic, Sir Al said, 'I have learned agreat deal about the lives of children in Newcastle. It is extremelyimportant to ensure that all children have a say in matters that affecttheir lives. We worked with two- to four-year-olds in Newcastle and thisexhibition clearly demonstrates the many ways in which we can listen toand celebrate the views of the youngest citizens in our society. I willnow take forward what they have told me to influence local and nationalpolicy.'

Another exhibition was held in Grimsby on 11 March by East MarshChildren's Centre.