
Contested articles

I find Nursery World a wonderful source of information and advice on childcare issues, and I especially like the topic pages, free posters and pull-out booklets. I enjoy entering the competitions and sometimes have been successful.
I find Nursery World a wonderful source of information and advice on childcare issues, and I especially like the topic pages, free posters and pull-out booklets.

I enjoy entering the competitions and sometimes have been successful.

Recently I won the Hope Treasure Sports Chest, which has been enjoyed greatly by my pre-school and for which we thank both you and Hope.

But I have one moan - please don't print the cut-out tokens and entry slips for the competitions on the reverse of articles that I and many other readers would like to keep for future reference, such as the excellent articles by Jennie Lindon and other childcare professionals.

Susan Willoughby

Clacton-on-Sea, Essex