
Democratic smacks

Recently, like many people involved with young children, I wrote to the prime minister about the smacking issue. Like many others I asked Tony Blair to allow MPs to decide whether or not to ban smacking on a free conscience vote. Those requests were not heeded - MPs were not allowed a free vote - and so this country still allows children to be hit, humiliated and hurt. Yesterday I received an infuriating reply from 10 Downing Street. It pushed the responsibility (presumably for voting procedures) on to the DfES.
Recently, like many people involved with young children, I wrote to the prime minister about the smacking issue. Like many others I asked Tony Blair to allow MPs to decide whether or not to ban smacking on a free conscience vote. Those requests were not heeded - MPs were not allowed a free vote - and so this country still allows children to be hit, humiliated and hurt.

Yesterday I received an infuriating reply from 10 Downing Street. It pushed the responsibility (presumably for voting procedures) on to the DfES.

Seeking to avoid blame harms government and harms democracy. Strange when people are dying for it.

Jean Ensing CBE, Bognor Regis, West Sussex

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