
Editor's view

Of all the areas of childcare, it is probably childminding that has changed the most over the years since the National Childcare Strategy was introduced. And it is the childminding networks that have contributed most to the development of the childminder's role. A new report for the Department for Education and Skills confirms the success of the networks in supporting childminders (see News, page 6). The status and professionalism of childminding is definitely on the rise, and childminders are now involved far more with other services for families and children, working with schools and Sure Start schemes and extending their own services. Training and accreditation are a recognised part of the job.
Of all the areas of childcare, it is probably childminding that has changed the most over the years since the National Childcare Strategy was introduced. And it is the childminding networks that have contributed most to the development of the childminder's role. A new report for the Department for Education and Skills confirms the success of the networks in supporting childminders (see News, page 6).

The status and professionalism of childminding is definitely on the rise, and childminders are now involved far more with other services for families and children, working with schools and Sure Start schemes and extending their own services. Training and accreditation are a recognised part of the job.

The new emphasis on qualifications, inspection and regulation has put some off becoming childminders and prompted others to leave the sector. Numbers had been falling, but now look to be stabilising, and the networks should help with retention rates by giving access to support and resources. The planned expansion of the network scheme through local authorities will be money well spent.

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