
Education gap gets bigger

The education gap between children living in poverty and their better-off peers widens from nursery age through to secondary school, according to new research.

A report published by the Child Poverty Action Group highlights a cycleof poverty in the education system. Author Donald Hirsch found that thegaps in educational development that emerge at the age of three widen asa child progresses through school. By the age of 14, children in povertycan lag as much as two years behind other children.

Mr Hirsch said, 'The fact that it is systematically so different forchildren in poverty is very worrying. A lot of people think everythingis set in stone because of the gaps emerging at the age of three. Butthe reason the gap then is a good predictor is that poorer childrencontinue to have very different experiences throughout their lives. Itis a continuous process and experience.'

The report, The chicken and the egg: Child poverty and educationalinequality, is available at

For the End Child Poverty campaign briefing Child poverty and education,visit