
First Check

Children are potentially at risk from abuse if the organisations looking after them have either minimal supervision of those in their care, or if the guidelines or procedures for dealing with concerns about children are inadequate, according to a guide published this week by the NSPCC. The guide, First Check, is aimed at all organisations providing activities or services for children to enable them to keep the children in their care safe by helping the organisations to develop effective child protection procedures and policies. NSPCC director and chief executive Mary Marsh said, 'Child protection is everyone's responsibility and although there are many organisations which have good policies in place, children should be safe in all settings. It is a parent's right to feel confident in organisations with which they are entrusting their children, including those that run the many summer holiday playschemes.' The guide costs 29.95 from The Administration Team, NSPCC Training Centre, 3 Gilmour Close, Beaumont Leys, Leicester LE4 1EZ.A dual Welsh-English version is also available at the same price.
Children are potentially at risk from abuse if the organisations looking after them have either minimal supervision of those in their care, or if the guidelines or procedures for dealing with concerns about children are inadequate, according to a guide published this week by the NSPCC. The guide, First Check, is aimed at all organisations providing activities or services for children to enable them to keep the children in their care safe by helping the organisations to develop effective child protection procedures and policies. NSPCC director and chief executive Mary Marsh said, 'Child protection is everyone's responsibility and although there are many organisations which have good policies in place, children should be safe in all settings. It is a parent's right to feel confident in organisations with which they are entrusting their children, including those that run the many summer holiday playschemes.' The guide costs 29.95 from The Administration Team, NSPCC Training Centre, 3 Gilmour Close, Beaumont Leys, Leicester LE4 1EZ.A dual Welsh-English version is also available at the same price.