
Footballers help centre for disabled

A new early years centre for disabled children in Chorley, Lancashire has received a boost from Manchester United Football Club.

Rainbow House, a charity for children with disabilities aged up to 15and their families, has won a three-year partnership deal with the club.Called The Legacy, the centre will primarily support children underfive. Features include sensory play areas and garden, an orchard, apaddock and a small farm.

The affiliation of Manchester United will provide fund-raisingopportunities, as well as raising the charity's profile.

Rainbow House needs to raise 1m in 2007/08 to sustain The Legacyand provide the services planned for music, drama, art, horse-riding,animal care and horticulture.

The charity's Joe Mawdsley, who has two children attending RainbowHouse, said, 'My dream is to provide children with disabilities withmore opportunities and choices so they can have a better quality oflife. At Rainbow House we believe that children don't ever deserve to beforgotten and no child's life should be in vain. We want to challengechildren and help them overcome their fears.'

Donations for the centre can be made at