
Holiday daycare costs go soaring

The cost of holiday daycare in England has risen by 16 per cent since last summer, a survey by the Daycare Trust has found. According to the survey, the typical weekly cost of a place for a child in a summer holiday play scheme is 67.70 a week, or 406.20 for the six-week summer break - up from last year's average cost of 58.46 a week or 350.76 over six weeks.
The cost of holiday daycare in England has risen by 16 per cent since last summer, a survey by the Daycare Trust has found.

According to the survey, the typical weekly cost of a place for a child in a summer holiday play scheme is 67.70 a week, or 406.20 for the six-week summer break - up from last year's average cost of 58.46 a week or 350.76 over six weeks.

The most expensive holiday daycare is in the West Midlands at 85 a week, up from 57.50 last year. However, costs have fallen in inner London, down 3.08 from 51.32 last year to 48.24 a week this year.

Daycare Trust director Stephen Burke said, 'This survey highlights the fact that summer holiday childcare remains well beyond the reach of many low-income families. We must help families balance work and family life during the long school holidays, and ensure that every family has access to quality affordable childcare during the summer period when they need it.

'Investing in childcare places and providing more help with costs through the tax credits are crucial.'

The figures were compiled by a telephone survey of 127 of the 150 Children's Information Services in England.

* Children whose parents are on low incomes have 'little chance' of enjoying the trips and activities other families take for granted, according to a report by the children's charity Barnardo's.

The report, Wish You Were Here, has called for families on income support to be entitled to food benefits during the summer holidays and for accessible school holiday activities to be provided locally for children from such families.