
'If You're Wearing Blue Today'

Key learning intention. Creative development Use this simple song 'If You're Wearing Blue Today' to help the children in your setting develop their colour recognition skills as well as their singing skills.
Key learning intention. Creative development

Use this simple song 'If You're Wearing Blue Today' to help the children in your setting develop their colour recognition skills as well as their singing skills.

Step by step

* Gather the children in a circle and teach them the song below, 'If You're Wearing Blue Today'. Sing it to the tune of 'Have You Seen the Muffin Man'.

'If you're wearing blue today,

Blue today, blue today,

If you're wearing blue today,

Stand up and say Hooray!'

* Add other verses with different colours - for example, 'If you're Wearing Green Today', and so on.

* When the children are familiar with the lyrics of the song, invite them to join in the actions at the appropriate verses depending on the colours of clothes they are wearing.

* A great website to help with musical activities like this is www., where you will find MoJo the Mouse's Musical Mouseum. In the 'Mouseum' you can find the lyrics to favourite children's songs as well as recordings of music to go along with lyrics.

The songs are listed alphabetically and by subject. Log on to mouseum/m027.html , which will play the tune of 'The Muffin Man' while you sing 'If You're Wearing Blue Today' with the children.