

Not every Art and Craft session has to have a particular theme! The key to success is in letting children feel free while retaining order through good preparation, tidying away properly and applying a light structure throughout the whole activity. Always retain a sense of purpose by keeping the 'best of three' pieces of work; by regularly changing art displays; by linking art work across the curriculum and by taking children to see the work of professional artists and inviting local artists to visit you. Collect corks and scaps of wood to carve letters and shapes for print and collage work but don't turn it into a reading session. Never tear up a child's work or let them see you throw it away.
Not every Art and Craft session has to have a particular theme! The key to success is in letting children feel free while retaining order through good preparation, tidying away properly and applying a light structure throughout the whole activity. Always retain a sense of purpose by keeping the 'best of three' pieces of work; by regularly changing art displays; by linking art work across the curriculum and by taking children to see the work of professional artists and inviting local artists to visit you. Collect corks and scaps of wood to carve letters and shapes for print and collage work but don't turn it into a reading session. Never tear up a child's work or let them see you throw it away.