
Louise Bowring shares a book with son Harry at Ackworth Pasture Primary School, Wakefield

(Photograph) - Louise Bowring shares a book with son Harry at Ackworth Pasture Primary School, Wakefield in a workshop for FEET - Families Enjoying Everything Together - which aims to boost children's confidence before they start school and involve parents in their learning. The scheme has now been extended to eight more schools in Wakefield. (See 'Foundation Stage curriculum', Nursery World, 27 January.). Photo Joan Russell/Guzelian
(Photograph) - Louise Bowring shares a book with son Harry at Ackworth Pasture Primary School, Wakefield in a workshop for FEET - Families Enjoying Everything Together - which aims to boost children's confidence before they start school and involve parents in their learning. The scheme has now been extended to eight more schools in Wakefield. (See 'Foundation Stage curriculum', Nursery World, 27 January.). Photo Joan Russell/Guzelian