
Management changes at Ofsted

Maurice Smith has been appointed Ofsted's new director of early years, overseeing the inspection and regulation of all registered daycare and childminding in England. He has been acting early years director since last September following the resignation of its first director, Maggie Smith, after less than two years in the post.
Maurice Smith has been appointed Ofsted's new director of early years, overseeing the inspection and regulation of all registered daycare and childminding in England.

He has been acting early years director since last September following the resignation of its first director, Maggie Smith, after less than two years in the post.

Prior to joining Ofsted in 1996, Mr Smith held senior management posts in social services and education in local authorities in the north-west of England.

In addition to Mr Smith's appointment, chief inspector David Bell announced that David Taylor is to become Ofsted's single director of inspection following the retirement of fellow director of inspection Elizabeth Passmore.