
Media watch

The parroting approach to learning language has worked well for a four-year-old boy with severe learning disabilities, reported the Metro. Dylan Hargreaves' mother believes he started speaking the words 'Ta' and 'Bye' after hearing his family's pet macaw Barney say them. 'Every time I gave the bird something to say, Dylan started trying to say the same thing.
The parroting approach to learning language has worked well for a four-year-old boy with severe learning disabilities, reported the Metro.

Dylan Hargreaves' mother believes he started speaking the words 'Ta' and 'Bye' after hearing his family's pet macaw Barney say them. 'Every time I gave the bird something to say, Dylan started trying to say the same thing.

I think it's because the bird says it slower than me.'

Rumours abounded that pop star Madonna may be adopting another child as she went back to Malawi accompanied by 18-month-old David Banda, whom she controversially adopted there last year. According to the Daily Mail, a three-year-old girl called Grace living in a Malawi orphanage is the favourite to join Madonna's family.

A survey by the Pizza Express chain found that eight in ten people think children's table manners are getting worse, reported TheTimes. Around 85 per cent of the 1,140 polled wished that children would switch off iPods and games consoles at the table, and 68 per cent said it was important for children to be nice to waiters.