
Media watch

The Sun appealed to parents to send in pictures of their children sitting on the 'naughty step', made famous by supernanny Jo Frost. The paper ran a two-page feature on Monday with snaps of 14 troublesome tots and explanations of what they did wrong. Crimes included throwing food, smacking their siblings and kicking the cat. Birmingham City Council was forced to apologise last week after mistakenly issuing an eight-month-old baby and his two-year-old sister with an Anti-social behavioural order (Asbo), said BBC News.
The Sun appealed to parents to send in pictures of their children sitting on the 'naughty step', made famous by supernanny Jo Frost. The paper ran a two-page feature on Monday with snaps of 14 troublesome tots and explanations of what they did wrong. Crimes included throwing food, smacking their siblings and kicking the cat.

Birmingham City Council was forced to apologise last week after mistakenly issuing an eight-month-old baby and his two-year-old sister with an Anti-social behavioural order (Asbo), said BBC News.

Meanwhile, the Daily Mail claimed teenage mothers could be responsible for their children's anti-social and aggressive behaviour. Research by educational charity the Wave Trust suggests some parents lack the emotional maturity to teach their children not to act violently.

The controversial MMR vaccine has been cleared of causing long-term developmental problems, The Guardian reported. A systematic review by an international team of researchers concluded that evidence that the vaccine triggers autism was unreliable.

A low-tech play set comprising 49 brightly coloured fabric tiles has won the title of Hamleys Best Toy 2005. CreAtiles is made by small London firm Fiesta Crafts and enables children to make their own puppets. The Independent contrasted the set to last year's high-tech winner and Christmas bestseller, the Robosapien robot.