
More places from fewer providers, Ofsted finds

The number of childcare places in England has increased by 1,900 in the past year, according to the latest Ofsted figures.

There were 1,553,100 childcare places available at the end of June. Thisfigure includes childminders, full daycare, sessional care,out-of-school clubs and creches.

Despite the rise in places, the number of registered childcare providersfell by 4,016 over the same time period, due to a large drop inchildminders but a rise in full daycare settings with more places.

The number of childminders fell from 68,348 in June last year to64,300.

The number of sessional providers also fell from 8,931 to 8,400.

However, full daycare provision rose by 504 providers to 14,400, aand itis likely that more sessional care providers are now opening for longerhours to offer full daycare.


June 2008 June 2007

Providers Places Providers Places
Childminders 64,300 298,000 68,348 311,800
Full day care 14,400 629,300 13,896 603,500
(extended day pre-school
groups and day nurseries)
Sessional day care 8,400 208,700 8,931 220,800
(extended day pre-school
groups and day nurseries)
Out-of-school 10,700 369,400 10,650 367,000
(including holiday
Creche daycare 2,800 47,700 2,791 48,200
Total 100,600 1,553,100 104,616 1,551,200
Source: Ofsted