
Music corner

Bollywood Indian film is now very popular in the UK, although of course it has always been hugely popular in India and among Indian communities here. There are other Bollywood music collections available, but I have selected the Rough Guide because it is a compilation that includes some of the most famous singers. Children may have DVDs and videos of Bollywood movies at home that they can bring in. In the films, the songs are integrated into dance routines, with wonderful costumes in elaborate settings, and so it is ideal if children can see the 'full package'.

Indian film is now very popular in the UK, although of course it has always been hugely popular in India and among Indian communities here. There are other Bollywood music collections available, but I have selected the Rough Guide because it is a compilation that includes some of the most famous singers. Children may have DVDs and videos of Bollywood movies at home that they can bring in. In the films, the songs are integrated into dance routines, with wonderful costumes in elaborate settings, and so it is ideal if children can see the 'full package'.

If you are not familiar with Bollywood films and the dance and music which is an essential part of them, then take some time to familiarise yourself by listening carefully or watching at home. For some children in your setting this may actually be the musical style with which they are most familiar.

In my experience, children enjoy imitating the style of dancing, and so the CD player can be set up in a role-play area which includes sari fabrics, spangled jackets, scarves, hats and chungroos (the ankle bells which are often worn in Indian dancing). Pin up posters and pictures of Bollywood stars. Encouraging children to use the CD player themselves obviously helps them to learn important skills and independence.

The style of singing in Bollywood films is very distinctive in the timbre of the voice (the kind of voice tone is high pitched and quite nasal) and in how the melody lines weave and move fluidly. Again, children will imitate the style and join in as the CD is playing - this is an active way in which they will engage with the music.

The Rough Guide to Bollywood. World Music Network, 9.99. Catalogue no. 0001074RGN