
My life at work

Name: Anita Ball Job title: Project co-ordinator
Name: Anita Ball

Job title: Project co-ordinator

Employer: Bolton Toy Library

Salary: 17,297

Location: Bolton

Start date

I took up my position in March 1996, and have been working for Bolton Toy Library for the past eight years.


My main responsibilities include the day-to-day running of the toy library.

This means ensuring play equipment is kept clean and in good order, and meets the health and safety policy devised by our organisation. I am responsible for lending toys to families and childcare providers for a period of one week or more, checking and cleaning returns, administrating stock and retrieving overdue items.

I am available to assist any parent or childcare worker who needs advice on choosing equipment to aid a child's development, or on how to just play and have lots of fun.

Organising short play sessions which encourage sharing, taking turns, balance and co-ordination, role play and imagination is an enjoyable aspect of the job. The priority is always to source new play equipment that may aid child development.

I co-manage four part-time staff and a small group of volunteers and am responsible for arranging the delivery and collection of large equipment.

Our library vehicle delivers equipment to nurseries, play schemes, playgroups, special educational needs groups and housebound families across the borough.

In order to maximise the benefits of this service I network with the local Early Years Development & Childcare Partnership, Children's Information Service, Council for Voluntary Service, Volunteer Bureau and other agencies.

I am jointly responsible for producing promotional items such as leaflets, reports, news articles in the local press and radio coverage. Fundraising is also part of my remit.


I thoroughly enjoy working with the children and families and the childcare workers that visit our centre. One minute I may be on the floor playing 'dinosaurs' in a children's world - and the next welcoming local funding groups who visit the centre, explaining how we are trying to alleviate social isolation and promote interaction between parents and their children.

My job has huge rewards - from seeing the friendships made between children and families to fundraising for equipment for a special needs child who shows obvious delight. Or it may be holding our youngest member of the toy library at five days old!

I love the sheer excitement on children's faces when they choose a toy. For just 40p to 60p a week - families can borrow an excellent choice of games, castles, garages, rattles, puzzles, books and lots more.


I find the constant searching for funding to keep the toy library open - salary costs, running costs, replacement stock - to be a drain on time and resources. My co-worker and myself take hours filling in funding applications in order that our families and childcare providers can continue to enjoy learning through play.

Best achievement

This was my role in a joint initiative that helped Bolton Toy Library to move from a shared room of 14 sq ft to a new self-contained building 75ft by 30ft. This venture took over two years of hard, determined work.


My experience within childcare contributed to my appointment as a toy library librarian/outreach worker. I hold an NVQ level 3 in Childcare and Education, and a Top Start/Active Play certificate. I have seven GCSEs, two A-levels and Basic Counselling Level 3. I also have various financial qualifications from my former work as a bank clerk - and these have come in useful at the toy library.

Career progression

I was an active member of my children's school PTA for over nine years, helping to organise functions and raise funds. I have always been involved with raising funds for local and national charities. In March 1996 I saw an advertisement in our local paper for a toy librarian/outreach worker for 20 hours a week. This was the start of a rewarding journey.

Within this organisation I have reached the highest level. I would like to continue my role within the toy library over the next five years and would like to complete a degree in early childhood studies.


It is a good idea to try out something on a voluntary basis to establish if it is the sort of environment for you. I would suggest completing a short course in child development. I think to enjoy this work a person needs to be patient and non-judgemental, and able to communicate on all levels with both adults and children.


I enjoy spending time with my family and days out walking our dog in the countryside. I enjoy friends visiting and sharing meals. I love reading, gardening, going to the cinema and a little bit of exercise. NW Useful contacts

* National Association of Toy and Leisure Libraries 0207 255 4616

* Contact local Early Years Development and Childcare Partnerships