
My life at work

Name: Linda Harrison Job title: Manager, Regional Childcare Centre of Vocational Excellence
Name: Linda Harrison

Job title: Manager, Regional Childcare Centre of Vocational Excellence

Organisaion and department: North East region with three core partners - Bishop Auckland College, County Durham; Stockton Riverside College, Tees Valley; and Tyne Metropolitan College, Tyne and Wear


In this position I am responsible for implementing the Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) regional development plan and meeting agreed targets (for level 2, 3 and 4 to foundation degree) in both the playwork and early years sectors.

This is the first collaborative CoVE in the country featuring three colleges and both early years and playwork. It is working to become a recognised centre of excellence for the development and delivery of innovative and responsive solutions to early years educational and training demands.

The aim is to make working with children an attractive and high status career, and to raise awareness of children's learning and development both regionally and nationally.

In line with these aims, I am working closely with colleagues to increase the breadth of the workforce by targeting various groups. These include men, ethnic communities, disabled people and those aged 40 and over. With these kinds of activities we are working towards CoVE becoming a long-term initiative by Autumn 2007.

One key priority is the delivery of extensive programmes for the sector that respond to employers' specific needs. This involves addressing skills shortages and looking at a variety of routes into childcare and playwork.

Start date

I took up my role in April this year.


There is nothing I dislike about the job at all as I have a real passion to ensure that the childcare agenda is met and that CoVE fulfils its aims.

I very much enjoy meeting so many interesting and committed individuals, both regionally and nationally, and having the opportunity to effect change.

Best achievement

On two occasions I was invited to present the UK's Investor in People standard to the American Society for Training and Development, in San Francisco and Washington DC. At both of these presentations there were audiences of around 500 delegates, including management-level professionals from various sectors and organisations.

As a result of one of these presentations I was approached by the owner/chief executive officer of a large manufacturing company in Boston and he invited me to spend a month with the company implementing best practice in terms of training and development. I also established a creche/nursery within the organisation.

After these outcomes the organisation was given a certificate of merit in recognition of its achievements from the American government. The creche is still in place, and as a result the company has a high retention rate among its workforce.

Finally, I have been a school governor in a large secondary school in North East England for the past 20 years, working closely with staff, parents and pupils.


I possess qualifications relating to business development, marketing and childcare. I recognise the need to continually update my skills and qualifications and take advantage of opportunities to do so.

I am currently training with Persona Dolls and doing a course in Childcare Equality and Diversity.

On a personal level, I trained as a Samaritans' counsellor and have worked for the charity as a volunteer for seven years, with particular experience of working in a women's refuge with young children.

I am committed to all opportunities relating to personal development as well as work-related issues.

Career progression

I have ten years' experience with the Training and Enterprise Council as a business development manager, working in the care sector and as an Investor in People manager working across all sectors, both regionally and nationally.

I spent four years with regional lead responsibility for the childcare sector, working in the Learning and Skills Council. This involved working closely with national and regional providers, local authorities, Government Office North East and the Regional Development Agency.


To do this kind of job a person needs to be knowledgeable about the sector and a dynamic individual with excellent communication skills who must enjoy meeting people at all levels.


At the moment there is not a lot of spare time. However, I enjoy cooking, drinking wine and retail therapy.

Further information:

* Details from the Learning and Skills Council www.cove.lsc.