
No txt, no frills, but the tracking device isn't bad

Mobile phones are now available with MP3 players, cameras, ringtones, MMS, SMS, live video and a host of other accessories designed to encourage heavy usage by children and, inevitably, increased expense. Our company, Eazytrack, has borne the brunt of some criticism from the media because we sell a phone called the Owl. It's an emergency phone with a built-in tracker designed for children, older people and those with disabilities, so they can be located by relatives when necessary.
Mobile phones are now available with MP3 players, cameras, ringtones, MMS, SMS, live video and a host of other accessories designed to encourage heavy usage by children and, inevitably, increased expense.

Our company, Eazytrack, has borne the brunt of some criticism from the media because we sell a phone called the Owl. It's an emergency phone with a built-in tracker designed for children, older people and those with disabilities, so they can be located by relatives when necessary.

We launched our phone in November 2004, and in January this year the Stewart report was published. It stated that although there was no evidence to suggest that mobile phones posed a threat to children's health, they should use them as little as possible and for emergencies only.

We totally agree with the recommendations, which is why our phones can only dial five set numbers and do not have any gadgets to encourage heavy usage.

We even have a Stewart report summary on our website.

I lost my son for five hours in August 2002. He did not have a mobile phone and it was the most terrifying experience I have ever had. We found him but I wish he'd had a phone so at least I would have known where to start looking for him.

It's a fine line. Government advisors tell you, 'children must only use phones for emergencies', but you need to keep in touch with your loved ones for peace of mind so it's a tough decision. Many of our customers simply place the phones in sealed pockets in their loved ones' bags so they can check on their location. Many also buy the phones for their elderly parents, who only have to press one button to speak to them.

We continue to sell the Owl phone and have many satisfied customers, including a relieved father who recently found his daughter after she had wandered off with friends. Is that so bad?

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