

People and Places

Childminding on show

Childminders in the London borough of Hackney took part in a new eventto celebrate childminding at Clapton Girls Technology College on 28June. Pippa Williams, childminding development co-ordinator at theLearning Trust, said the aim of the day was to increase parents'awareness about Hackney Network childminders, provide information toregistered childminders and offer fun activities for children. The eventincluded a presentation for newly approved network childminders who hadcompleted the National Childminding Association's Children Come Firstquality assurance scheme, and gave parents the chance to find out aboutquality-assured childminding networks.

Fourth Award

Kinder Haven in Bradford, West Yorkshire, has been named Nursery of theYear in the annual awards scheme organised by the National Day NurseriesAssociation. Kinder Haven won the award, with a 1,400 prize,after being recommended by a parent of a nursery child and visited by ajudging panel. The nursery has won the regional award for its area forthe last three years running. Kinder Haven is opening another settingthis month.

In Stock

DVD for new mothers

A new free DVD from the National Childbirth Trust, called 'Mum's theWord', is being given away to every mother-to-be or parent with a newbaby in the UK. The film follows the true story of one new mother andher family and the midwives and health visitor who support her from herbaby's birth and beyond. Topics covered include breast feeding,relationship changes between partners, and benefit entitlements for newparents. NCT chief executive Belinda Phipps said, 'There are lots offilms on how to look after your baby, but there isn't a film on how tolook after mum. So we asked the experts - women who have recently becomemums and our NCT-qualified post-natal leaders - to share their knowledgeand help give mothers the support they need.' Order a free copy of theDVD by calling NCT on 0300 330 0770 or online at

Open for business

5.8m centre opens

Children and teachers from Antoine Primary School and Drumchapel EarlyYears Centre in Glasgow are celebrating after the official openingceremony for their new 5.8m school building in June. The newcampus was built as part of Glasgow's Pre-12 strategy, which ismodernising or replacing many primary school buildings. Drumchapel EarlyYears Centre can accommodate 97 children and offers full-time andpart-time places.

All join in

Fieldhead Children's Centre in West Yorkshire was officially opened lastweek by the deputy mayor of Birstall and Birkenshaw and the firstchildminder registered at the centre. Councillor Julie Stewart Taylorand Sue Asquith were joined by 250 people, including children from theFieldhead Primary School, where the new centre is based. Activities onoffer included clay modelling, singing, massage, sensory play anddevelopmental movement.

Photo of the week

A butterfly mosaic made by children from Sure Start North MoorChildren's Centre sits in the newly opened Secret Garden at Kenton inNewcastle. The garden was created by the children's centre, Mountfieldplaygroup and Mountfield Primary School with help from a local gardencentre. The school's choir performed at an opening ceremony when specialtime capsules were buried.

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