
Nursery children film down on the farm

Children from a nursery in Glasgow are the stars of a documentary film about a dairy farm.

The film is Penilee Nursery's second entry for Determined to MakeMovies, a film-making scheme launched by Glasgow City Council lastyear.

Penilee was one of 30 schools and pre-five settings selected from aninitial list of 100 to tackle the challenge of making a five-minute filmin four weeks.

Both Penilee films have been used to further the children's education.The previous one showed the children going through a live fire drillprocess with firemen visiting with their fire engine.

The new work shows the children visiting the Museum of Rural Life inKittochside, which is attached to a working dairy farm. The children seethe milking machines, meet the cows and see how milk is made.

Morag McKenzie, child development officer at Penilee, was in charge ofthe film. She said, 'The children do little voice-overs. They watch itand the comments they make are all put together. The editing is a bithard for them, but they still have their input and decide what they wantin and where. It's their vision!

'We had the recycling things out, with the idea of doing our second filmabout that. But then the children picked up the milk cartons and startedasking, "Where does milk come from?"'

She added that health and safety laws would have prevented the wholeclass from visiting the dairy at once, so the film was a good way toshow them all.

'We also re-enacted the visit to the dairy farm, which was great fun. Itwas hard work, but I would definitely recommend it.'

Children from a nursery in Glasgow are the stars of a short filmfeaturing two children finding out where milk comes from by visiting adairy farm.