
Nursery World Awards 2008: Celebrate the best

Welcome to our special publication featuring Nursery World's inaugural awards to celebrate the achievements of the early years sector.

The Nursery World Awards 2008 recognise and highlight the best that isbeing achieved throughout the UK by organisations, teams, individuals,initiatives and equipment providers. They shine a light on the hardwork, innovation and dedication of those in early years education andchildcare, communicating aspects of best practice while raising theprofile of the sector.

Early years education and childcare services have undergone a revolutionover the past decade or so, with many of the changes still under way.Recently, we have seen the launch of the Early Years Foundation Stageand the introduction of the Early Years Professional programme as thedrive to raise qualification levels and skills and ensure high-qualityearly years services continues apace.

Yet the fantastic work going on in the sector is often not recognisedand rewarded, and the Nursery World Awards aim to put this right. Inthese pages, you can read the inspiring stories of our winners, highlycommendeds and finalists - thank you to everybody who took the time toenter. Many thanks, too, to our eminent panel of judges (see pages 4-5)who gave generously of their time, knowledge and skills to carry outtheir sometimes difficult, but always rewarding, task.