
Nursery World Awards 2008: Message from our sponsor

The Children's Workforce Development Council exists to improve the lives of children, young people, their families and carers by ensuring that all people working with them have the best possible training, qualifications, support and advice. It also helps children and young people's organisations and services to work together better so that the child is at the centre of all services.

Our vision is of a confident, capable early years workforce whosepractice is enriched by recognised, high-quality learning anddevelopment, professional support and practitioner networks. A workforcewhich is graduate led, with Early Years Professionals supporting aminimum Level 3 qualified workforce, and where the quality of provisionand outcomes for children are continuously improving.

The CWDC is delighted to sponsor the Nursery World Awards 2008, tocelebrate the achievements of the early years sector and inspire itsfuture development.

Website:; Tel: 0113 244 6311.