
Ofsted rates Sure Start children's centres in deprived areas

Sure Start services in deprived areas are struggling to engage with fathers, teenage parents and white British families, according to a small-scale study by Ofsted.

The schools inspectorate surveyed 20 children's centres in six local authorities, all within the 30 per cent most deprived areas in the country. The leadership and management was rated good or outstanding in 15 of the centres visited. However, the study found that only three centres had effective strategies for engaging fathers and teenage parents.

Families from ethnic minority groups were found to be making good use of the services available to them, but the centres were less successful in gaining the confidence of white British families.

The survey praised the centres for their 'clear commitment' in working with vulnerable children and families but said none of the settings visited felt that they were fully successful. Staff reported that families involved in drug misuse and domestic violence did not always want to be reached, and that families move frequently making them difficult to track.

The study found that children's centres' links with primary schools are weak, but that links with maintained nursery schools are much stronger. Of 18 headteachers and EYFS co-ordinators interviewed for the research, only two tracked children's progress and provided feedback on what they achieved. Links with Jobcentre Plus were also unsatisfactory. The study found that children's centres serving rural communities faced particular challenges, with geographic isolation adding an additional layer of difficulty and cost in bringing services to their communities.

HM chief inspector Christine Gilbert said, 'The enthusiasm and commitment among professionals in the centres working in education and care, health and social care is evident and deserves recognition. However, more partnership work needs to be developed and supported. We recommend that schools work more closely with children's centres.'

Further information: 'The impact of integrated services on children and their families in Sure Start children's centres' is at