
Owner barred from nursery

The owner/manager of the Aberdeen nursery where children were force-fed and given out-of-date food has been banned from working with children by the Care Commission. Complaints against Allstars Nursery were upheld by the Care Commission this month after an inspection that took place on 7 and 8 March (News, 22 March). As a result, Allstars will have to replace manager Sheila Davies, who owns part of the business, within six weeks under a legal enforcement notice.
The owner/manager of the Aberdeen nursery where children were force-fed and given out-of-date food has been banned from working with children by the Care Commission.

Complaints against Allstars Nursery were upheld by the Care Commission this month after an inspection that took place on 7 and 8 March (News, 22 March). As a result, Allstars will have to replace manager Sheila Davies, who owns part of the business, within six weeks under a legal enforcement notice.

Mrs Davies is prohibited from the nursery premises during hours of service but may continue involvement with Allstars in a business capacity.

A summary of the inspection confirmed that inspectors found out-of-date food. Four staff members stated they had 'brought their concerns regarding out-of-date foods to the manager's attention but had been told to use them anyway'. The manager was found to be the only member of staff responsible for force-feeding.

A Care Commission spokes- man said that further conditions imposed on the registration of the nursery 'would prevent the manager being involved in childcare activities', and that the Commission was satisfied the action taken addressed the childcare concerns identified.