
Project guide

This project recognises that: * settings should be constantly resourced and organised in such a way as to offer learning opportunities across all areas of the Foundation Stage curriculum
This project recognises that:

* settings should be constantly resourced and organised in such a way as to offer learning opportunities across all areas of the Foundation Stage curriculum

* topics can enhance basic provision and respond to children's interests

* children need plenty of first-hand experiences and time to develop ideas, skills and concepts through play

* the practitioner has a vital role in supporting children's learning.

This project, therefore, suggests:

* adult-led activities for introducing the theme

* resources that enhance basic provision and facilitate learning through child-initiated play

* how the practitioner can support children's learning.

When using the project, practitioners should recognise that:

* activities should be offered and never imposed on children

* children's experiences, and learning, may differ from those anticipated

* the learning, planned or unplanned, that takes place is valid

* the process is very valuable and should not be undermined by an inappropriate emphasis on outcomes or concrete end results.