
Reader offer

* We have ten copies of Key Times for Play - The first three years by Julia Manning-Morton and Maggie Thorp (Open University Press, 14.99) to give away to Nursery World readers. Send your name and address on the back of a postcard or envelope, marked 'Play', to the address on page 3. Winners will be the first ten names drawn on 11 September. The book, due out next month, is part of the Debating Play series on good practice edited by Professor Tina Bruce.
* We have ten copies of Key Times for Play - The first three years by Julia Manning-Morton and Maggie Thorp (Open University Press, 14.99) to give away to Nursery World readers. Send your name and address on the back of a postcard or envelope, marked 'Play', to the address on page 3. Winners will be the first ten names drawn on 11 September.

The book, due out next month, is part of the Debating Play series on good practice edited by Professor Tina Bruce.

To order a copy, tel: 01628 502 700, fax: 01628 770 224, or see