
Remember the value of original qualifications

I am writing on behalf of the Exeter Nursery Nurse support group, following a heated discussion within the group as to the value of the NNEB qualification. I trained, along with others in our group, more than 30 years ago. I had to have O-levels to get on to my course and then for two years I spent three days in my placement and two days at college. Then when term was in recess we worked at our placement, and had no holidays.
I am writing on behalf of the Exeter Nursery Nurse support group, following a heated discussion within the group as to the value of the NNEB qualification.

I trained, along with others in our group, more than 30 years ago. I had to have O-levels to get on to my course and then for two years I spent three days in my placement and two days at college. Then when term was in recess we worked at our placement, and had no holidays.

The course was not easy and our practical experience was very tough. In the early 1990s the BTec diploma was introduced and the NNEB was devalued to be seen as the easier, more practical course. Now we have the NVQ level 2 and 3. So where am I in these days of continually changing courses?

I have managed three day nurseries, but I know if I was just going back to work with children I would have problems being recognised as being qualified to the equivalent of NVQ 3 or the early years diploma. Along with others in the group, I feel our qualification is going to no longer be valued for what it is.

To illustrate this, a recent job advert for Plymouth LEA asked for a creche worker qualified to NVQ 2 or NNEB status. Does this mean Plymouth thinks the NNEB is only equivalent to the NVQ 2? I hope not.

We feel that all local authorities and those who work in education and childcare should be aware of all the qualifications and training both past and present, and of their value in the workplace. Most importantly this needs to be looked at now, so everyone is aware of any changes that will be made in the future.

Mary Cousins, Bumble Bees Day Nursery, Exeter, Devon