
Specialist training for parenting work

Staff working with parents in a range of settings, including early years workers, will be able to access the latest research, knowledge and training at a national academy launched last week with a Pounds 30m grant. The National Academy for Parenting Practitioners will be provided by a consortium of the charities Family and Parenting Institute (FPI) and Parenting UK and King's College London, which will supply the premises.
Staff working with parents in a range of settings, including early years workers, will be able to access the latest research, knowledge and training at a national academy launched last week with a 30m grant.

The National Academy for Parenting Practitioners will be provided by a consortium of the charities Family and Parenting Institute (FPI) and Parenting UK and King's College London, which will supply the premises.

Dr Stephen Scott, head of the King's College London Parenting Unit, said it would 'bring its expertise in training practitioners in approaches proven to work in helping all parents bring the best out of their children'.

FPI chief executive Mary McLeod said the research would 'increase our knowledge of what programmes and interventions work best'.

The academy, due to be formally launched in October, will build a training infrastructure with colleges and universities and devise courses for specific practitioners such as health visitors and social workers and staff working with parents in schools.

MsMcLeod said, 'We will be doing training programmes in each of the government regions and we hope that will build on the work already underway through the Early Years Partnership Project, which brings together parenting and early years expertise and works specifically with families of children aged one to three who are at risk of delay in their learning.'

Mary Crowley, chief executive of Parenting UK, said the academy would help to ensure that those working with parents are 'trained for that purpose and meet national occupational standards'.

While King's College is hosting the academy, the FPI will lead on policy work, while Parenting UK will oversee workforce issues.

At last week's launch, children's minister Beverley Hughes said the academy would be 'an international and national hub for the exchange of ideas and learning, providing the very latest research and training in supporting parents'.