
Spotlight on ... Trish Riley

Name: Trish Riley

Position: Senior nursery nurse in the baby room at Little Acorns inBoston, Lincolnshire

- How did your nursery achieve Active Healthy Childcare Status?

We had to meet a specific criteria in four key areas - personal, socialand health education, healthy eating, physical activity and emotionalhealth and well-being. The children learned how to grow their ownvegetables, took part in a 'marathon' on a running machine and bakedcakes and biscuits. I attended monthly meetings with other nurseriesworking towards achieving the status.

- Why did you decide to take part in the scheme?

I was volunteered to manage achieving the status, which was a pilotscheme set up by Lincoln County Council in July 2007. It has been reallychallenging as I have done a lot of the work on my own, but knowing Isucceeded is really rewarding.

- What are the nursery's future plans?

We will be re-assessed in three years time and are continuing with allthe Active Healthy Childcare Status practices.

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