
Teaching quality 'matters'

Children make greater progress in reading and maths in primary schools where the overall quality of teaching is high, according to new research.

The latest study from the Effective Pre-School and Primary Education 3-11 Project looked at the way classroom practices and factors at school level influenced children's academic and social and behavioural development.

Researchers found that they made a significant difference, after taking into account children's family background and prior attainment.

The EPPE 3-11 study follows the same sample of children that took part in the study covering pre-school to the end of primary school.

The latest research involved classroom observation in a sub-sample of 1,160 children in 125 Year 5 classes.

The report said that it was possible to group teachers in Year 5 in terms of their overall teaching quality across a range of observed classroom behaviour and practices.

Children in schools where Year 5 overall teaching quality was observed to be high did 'significantly better in both reading and maths' than those in schools where Year 5 overall teaching quality was low.

On a school level, children who attended more effective and improved schools showed longer-term benefits in social and behavioural outcomes as well as academic ones.

The report said, 'Even when the powerful influences of child, family and home are controlled, going to a "better" primary school exerts a positive net influence on children's academic progress and also on social behavioural outcomes.'

Co-author of the research, Professor Edward Melhuish of Birkbeck College, London, said, 'Primary school teaching quality does make a definite difference to a child's progress.The Government needs to pay more attention to the differences in the quality of teaching, because it does matter.'

Further information:

'The Influence of School and Teaching Quality on Children's Progress in Primary School' is available at

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