Reviewed by Deborah Sharpe, out-of-school clubs manager for Sussex Downs College, Eastbourne
This book is valuable for playworkers working towards their NVQ level 2 or 3 in playwork, as well as managers, supervisors, teachers and assessors.
It is full of practical ideas covering every aspect of playwork.
The first chapter explains the playworker's role, the personal skills and qualities required, the training and qualifications needed, applying for a position, and the advantages and disadvantages of the job.
Other chapters cover the play environment, working with parents and carers, professional practice, health and safety, and promoting play services.
The information it contains is clear and links theory with practice, with exercises and key tasks included in each chapter. The NVQ unit links are listed underneath the key tasks.
This book is very accessible and celebrates the values of playwork in every chapter. Playworkers will find it a useful workbook long after they have completed their NVQ. Managers and those setting up provision will also find it invaluable.