
There are 24.1 pupils per teacher in nursery schools

There are 24.1 pupils per teacher in nursery schools overall in Northern Ireland in the year 2002-03, a drop of 0.3 from 24.4 in 2001-02, Government statistics show. The figures show that in 2002-03 the number of pupils per teacher in nursery schools in controlled schools was 23.5. This was 1.7 lower than in the maintained sector. Controlled schools are managed by the Education and Library Boards (ELBs) and by boards of governors that are made up of transferrers - Protestants church representatives - as well as parents, teachers and relevant ELB members, while voluntary maintained schools are managed by boards of governors made up of non-trustees, who are mainly representatives of the Roman Catholic church.
There are 24.1 pupils per teacher in nursery schools overall in Northern Ireland in the year 2002-03, a drop of 0.3 from 24.4 in 2001-02, Government statistics show. The figures show that in 2002-03 the number of pupils per teacher in nursery schools in controlled schools was 23.5. This was 1.7 lower than in the maintained sector. Controlled schools are managed by the Education and Library Boards (ELBs) and by boards of governors that are made up of transferrers - Protestants church representatives - as well as parents, teachers and relevant ELB members, while voluntary maintained schools are managed by boards of governors made up of non-trustees, who are mainly representatives of the Roman Catholic church.