
Training tips

By Maureen Smith and Yvonne Nolan, co-founders of Duo Consulting, and developers of the new APEL qualification APEL Level 3 Certificate in work with children(Early Years or Playwork), Unit 2: reflect on practice
By Maureen Smith and Yvonne Nolan, co-founders of Duo Consulting, and developers of the new APEL qualification

APEL Level 3 Certificate in work with children(Early Years or Playwork), Unit 2: reflect on practice

Section 1 - health and safety

Explain the impact of health and safety practices and requirements on your setting and two ways in which your practice reflects health and safety.

Your account should include an explanation of:

* how Acts of Parliament affect the health and safety practices of your setting

* the ways in which regulations and guidelines affect the health and safety practice in your setting

* the steps you take to comply with requirements in two areas of your activity. It will be helpful for you to know which are the relevant Acts of Parliament and the appropriate regulations and guidelines. These may vary across the UK, so make sure you refer to those that affect you. Link these to your setting's policies and practices.

There are some general health and safety requirements, such as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, which affects all workplaces and puts responsibility for health and safety at work on employers and some employees. This legislation requires settings of more than five employees to carry out risk assessments and have written health and safety policies.

There are specific regulations that come from this Act. Examples are:

* Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations (COSHH)

* RIDDOR regulations (Reporting Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences)

* first aid regulations

* fire precautions

* food handling.

Check these against your setting's policies and local health and safety officers. As well as general health and safety requirements there will be those that are sector- specific. Working in registered childcare you will need to meet the requirements either of Ofsted and the National Standards for Under Eights Day Care and Childminding, or of Care Inspectorates. Look carefully at these national standards and include specific material on how you and your setting meet those concerned with health and safety.

Use phrases like:

* because * as a result of * in order to

Explain changes to your setting's practices as a result of legislation Finally, look critically at two areas of your practice where health and safety issues are important. You will have to explain how you comply with requirements in these areas. It is helpful to choose those you know a lot about, for example those where you have provided policies and procedures or evidence for registration and inspection. These could be any of a number of your daily activities, for example:

* feeding babies

* outdoor play

* buying and maintaining equipment

* good hygiene practice

* administration of medicines

* first aid practice

* food handling.

When you have chosen your examples, you need to explain what you do to comply with health and safety requirements. Remember to explain, not describe. It's not enough to say, 'I make sure everything is kept clean in the food preparation area.' Ask yourself:

* How and why do I do this?

* What laws or regulations affect this, and how?

* What setting policies and procedures are in place?

* How are these designed, implemented and monitored?

* What training needs have I identified?

You may not be able to cover all of this in your word count, but don't waste words on unnecessary descriptions - practice being short, sharp and to the point!

Next month: Section 2 - child protection