
Use of TV characters to promote unhealthy foods to children condemned

The use of TV characters to promote unhealthy foods to children has been condemned in a report by the Consumers' Association. It highlighted characters including Bob the Builder and Sooty that are used to market junk food such as chocolate bars, and said that sales of children's meals at Burger King had doubled since its association with the Teletubbies. Of the 358 foods aimed at children examined in the report, 77 per cent contain high levels of sugar, salt, saturated fat or total fat. Darren Neville, editor of Consumer Policy Review in which the report was published, said, 'Food marketing currently promotes a grossly distorted image of what should constitute a child's diet.' The new laws mean Maternity pay has also been increased, giving mothers six months paid leave at 100 a week and the chance to take an extra six months unpaid leave. The Government will reimburse 60% of UK companies, mostly smaller businesses, for maternity pay. Adoption leave has also been introduced.
The use of TV characters to promote unhealthy foods to children has been condemned in a report by the Consumers' Association. It highlighted characters including Bob the Builder and Sooty that are used to market junk food such as chocolate bars, and said that sales of children's meals at Burger King had doubled since its association with the Teletubbies. Of the 358 foods aimed at children examined in the report, 77 per cent contain high levels of sugar, salt, saturated fat or total fat. Darren Neville, editor of Consumer Policy Review in which the report was published, said, 'Food marketing currently promotes a grossly distorted image of what should constitute a child's diet.'

The new laws mean Maternity pay has also been increased, giving mothers six months paid leave at 100 a week and the chance to take an extra six months unpaid leave. The Government will reimburse 60% of UK companies, mostly smaller businesses, for maternity pay. Adoption leave has also been introduced.

The NPFA is the national organisation responsible for acquiring, developing and improving playing fields and playgrounds, so that all communities in the UK have access to play, sport and recreational facilities.
