
Waste not . . .

Existing nurseries can also adopt environmental approaches to make their setting more green: Save energy (and cut your fuel bills)
Existing nurseries can also adopt environmental approaches to make their setting more green:

Save energy (and cut your fuel bills)

* The running costs of heating is an important consideration and the installation of a new boiler can make a big difference. New models have the advantage of reducing the levels of carbon monoxide emissions and are more cost-effective to run.

* Insulate the nursery's loft with at least 15cm of glass fibre or mineral wool and lag all hot water tanks and pipes.

* Draft proof doors and windows.

* Fit compact fluorescent (energy efficient) light bulbs. They produce the same light as ordinary bulbs but use only a fifth of the energy and last eight times longer.

* Switch to an electricity supplier that supports renewable energy sources, such as wind power and biomass. Find out more at

* Choose a fridge that is appropriate in size for your needs and is Grade A energy efficient.

* Don't leave lights on when they are not needed.

Don't waste water

* Recycle water used in play activities by using it to water the nursery garden or plants.

* Also, collect rainwater in a butt to water the garden.

* The average UK toilet flush is 9.5 litres. Install low-flush toilets to save 10 per cent of your water use or put a plastic bottle of water or 'Hippo bag' in toilet cisterns.

* Turn taps off properly when not in use.

Furniture and supplies

* Avoid hardwood products for furniture and toys unless it is reclaimed timber or carries the Forest Stewardship Council logo.

* Buy recycled products where you can (paper, toilet roll etc).

* Choose toys with care - plastic toys can contain phthalates which have been linked to health concerns.

* Recycle computer toner cartridges.

* Re-use paper and envelopes.

Benefit from plants

* Plants will introduce more oxygen into the nursery.

* Spider plants remove toxins from the air.

* Deciduous plants outside can be used to screen windows and bring in more sunlight in winter.

Reduce your waste

* Sort your rubbish and recycle what you can - such as glass, cans and paper.

* Avoid using disposable cups and plates.

Information provided by Friends of the Earth